Spring 2021 started for me in March as I prepared ice dyed garments for the Hayward Gallery & Gifts. I knew I had plenty of time to dye the 35+ pieces I had ordered to prepare for the gallery. I was ready.
Not so fast pardner!

I had a not so surprising call from a person affiliated with another gallery. She had talked with me several times over the past year and a half asking if I would like to submit to their gallery. This year the timing was better for me personally and I said yes.

They liked the look of the garments, gourds, and journal/sketchbooks that I make and so I became a member of the Arts in Hands Gallery in Spooner WI.

I anticipated a slow start for my things to sell and for people to have the time to get used to my style. I was seriously wrong about that. They love my work and the customers have purchased enough of my things that I've had to refill and make more to replace the sold items.
This means after being in both galleries for about 6 weeks for the 2021 season, I've now had to process 3 different batches of additional garments. Last year I made 1 batch. I'm honestly flattered and also wondering if I'm causing a time problem for myself.

I'm in for a ride. Good thing I don't require a lot of sleep.